
The following resources are available from our address:

Fit for Purpose – The Church Dealing with Child Sexual Abuse, by WJ Patterson.
This book addresses the issue of child sexual abuse from a Biblical and professional standpoint, and covers the dynamics of sexual abuse, pastoral perspectives for adult victims of child sexual abuse, and the management of child sex offenders in the local congregation.

The Loss and Restoration of Fatherhood, by WJ Patterson.
This book addresses the main reasons for the loss of fatherhood, the intergenerational principles and processes in fatherhood, the main issues in being an engaged father, and how fathering deficits are meant to be met within the local church. Again the book combines Biblical and professional perspectives in unpacking this important subject.

Training Courses
Family Spectrum offers a comprehensive course of 10 three-hour sessions dealing with a Biblical approach to a range of related topics including, Marriage and Adultery, Promiscuity, Pornography, Child Protection ( with sessions on the dynamics of sexual abuse, pastoral care of adult victims and those entangled by family or friendship with either the victim or the offender, management of child sex offenders in the local congregation, and youth leader training), Divorce and Remarriage, Same Sex Attraction, and Mixed Marriage and Blended Families. The sessions can be delivered as stand alone events but when combined provide a wide ranging and coherent resource for pastoral care in very complex situations.